driven by adventures

driven by adventures

filled with innovations

about leoranger

LeoRanger is a unique all-season all-road tracked electric vehicle with unique driving technologies. Compared to traditional vehicles, the LeoRanger has supersimple steering.  With its intuitive handling and futuristic design, this tracked off-road vehicle is a perfect match for those who want to do more than drive around town. With one hand on an ergonomic joystick, you can control movements as if they were in the computer game!

several motion profiles designed for different operating modes:

high-speed driving

transportation of goods

climbing the slopes

safe driving


ice movement

start of sales in


Unique Features

LeoRanger Front


the ability to control the machine using the remote control

All Season

LeoRanger is ready at any time and under whatever conditions because our product has been designed specifically to handle everything nature, throws its way without fail.

LeoRanger Front
LeoRanger Back

Low maintenance

All that is required from the user is to charge the battery on time

environmentally friendly

LeoRanger does not produce any noise or emissions, bothering people in the area. This makes Leo Ranger ideal for use near campsites where your peace and relaxation should come first!

LeoRanger Front
LeoRanger Front


LeoRanger is changing how people with disabilities can experience speed and movement. With an intelligent control system, ergonomic solutions to make life easier for them in their day-to-day lives!

LeoRanger is a unique all-season all-road tracked electric vehicle with unique driving technologies. Compared to traditional vehicles, the LeoRanger has supersimple steering.  With its intuitive handling and futuristic design, this tracked off-road vehicle is a perfect match for those who want to do more than drive around town. With one hand on an ergonomic joystick, you can control movements as if they were in the computer game!

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